Nonprofit News

Karen O'Connor

Karen is an Account Manager with Soft Trac. She is a resource for existing customers helping them achieve the full potential of their software solutions. She also works with prospects to assist them as they evaluate and select software solutions that align with their business needs.
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Recent Posts

Key Advantages of Having a Dedicated Project Manager

April 15, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
We've talked before about our approach to implementations and we thought it would be nice to revisit the topic. Sometimes the biggest roadblock to resolving a problem is knowing where to go to get help. At Soft Trac, we ...
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Finance and Fundraising Working Together | PART 3 - Training 101

March 31, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
Abila recently released their Nonprofit Finance and Fundraising Collaboration Study - Opportunities for a More Collaborative Nonprofit ›. With more than half of fundraisers (55 percent), and close to half of finance ...
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Finance and Fundraising Working Together | PART 2 - Collaborate on the Budget

March 23, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
Abila recently released their Nonprofit Finance and Fundraising Collaboration Study - Opportunities for a More Collaborative Nonprofit ›. With more than half of fundraisers (55 percent), and close to half of finance ...
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Finance and Fundraising Working Together | PART 1 - Joint Goal Setting

March 4, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
Abila recently released their Nonprofit Finance and Fundraising Collaboration Study - Opportunities for a More Collaborative Nonprofit ›. With more than half of fundraisers (55 percent), and close to half of finance ...
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Why having a discovery call leads to a more successful DEMO

February 26, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
Often when we begin talking with a potential customer, they want to jump right into a DEMO on the software and get cost information. While we certainly understand their interest in quickly seeing the look and feel of ...
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15 Important Components of a Successful Software Training Session

February 19, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
I wanted to update a post we had done a few years back as it is a topic that is still relevant. It is the ongoing question of how to present a successful training session. This past week, I again found myself on the ...
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Why discovery is critical to a successful customer relationship.

January 22, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
Discovery is a critical aspect of all of our customer interactions throughout our entire relationship, and one of the key factors that helps determine a successful outcome, whether that is helping a customer to purchase ...
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SaaS Auto Updates | Pros and Cons

January 15, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
One of the key benefits of SaaS (Software as a Service) is the auto update functionality which provides a host of pros to the end user. As a user of cloud based subscription software, I find the auto update ...
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Soft Trac's Top Ten Highlights from 2015

January 1, 2016 by Karen O'Connor
The start of a new year always brings with it a time of reflection and an opportunity to take a breath and make note of what you have accomplished. We are getting into the spirit of things this year with our own top ten ...
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OnTrac Office Hours | What have we learned so far?

December 29, 2015 by Karen O'Connor
This past year we launched a new program at Soft Trac called OnTrac. As a component of OnTrac, we have been hosting monthly Office Hour remote sessions with our customers to discuss questions they may have about their ...
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