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How Abila’s Business Partners Put the Customer First

Written by Karen O'Connor | May 8, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Abila recently posted a blog › on their website highlighting the importance of their business partners.  We couldn't be happier or more proud.  Soft Trac has been a Business Partner with Abila for nearly two decades and we take our role of adding value to the products we resell very seriously.  We are always looking for new ways to provide services and products to our customers that will help them be successful.

We wanted to highlight for you how Soft Trac excels in some of the key areas that Abila references as strengths for their business partners:

  1. "Our Business Partners are trusted experts who possess strong backgrounds in the industries we serve, including nonprofits, accounting, technology, and fundraising. In fact, more than 90 percent of our Partners have 15-plus years’ experience in these areas."  Soft Trac definitely helped the averages on this one!  Our staff has a combined total of over 80 years’ experience helping non-profits achieve their mission.  In addition to non-profit experience, our staff has served in various related professional roles including financial and database management, accounting, training, consulting, development, and software quality assurance.  We know and love this industry.
  1. "Every Business Partner must have at least one Certified Consultant on staff for each Abila product they’re authorized to sell. These consultants are rigorously trained and retrained in our products."  We are certified on all of the Abila products that we sell and are always up to date on the latest releases to continue to expand and deepen our knowledge of the software but our expertise goes far beyond just an understanding of the software.  We use our knowledge of the industry as well as our customer's individual, unique requirements to provide recommendations and targeted ways to streamline and improve processes.  We can ensure your software is configured and setup to meet your real world needs while keeping you on track with industry best practices.  And, because we understand the software so well, we can often work with you to customized solutions if you have unique needs beyond the scope of the software. We did exactly this for our charter school customers when we created a RIDE Utility to assist them with their uploading their chart of account budget and reporting information to the Rhode Island Department of Education resulting in increased transparency and compliance. 
  1. "In addition to reselling and implementing Abila products, our Business Partners offer training and user groups, providing local opportunities to learn and get to know other users of Abila software. "  We are always implementing new and improved ways for our customers to network and learn from not only Soft Trac but also their peers.  We continue to host and lead regular user group meetings in both the New England as well as the mid-Atlantic regions. We are expanding our offerings so that we can reach our customers more effectively with our recently launched OnTrac program and are planning for a summer user conference.

These are just a few ways that Soft Trac continues to bring value to the products and services that we resell from Abila including MIP Fund Accounting, Elevate, Fundraising 50, Fundraising Online, and Grant Management.  

Here is a link to the press release from Abila reinforcing the importance of their network of business partners:  Abila Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Certified Consultant Program ›

Please CONTACT Soft Trac to learn even more ways that we can help!